Conscious Community of the Light™
Conscious Community of the Light (CCOTL)™ provides a safe, nurturing, heart-centered environment for those who desire to join with others to go deeper in their spiritual awakening.
Conscious Community of the LightTM members join together online to hear the Universal Wisdom of the Master Jesus, as channeled through mystic Erin Michelle Galito.
Let the Teachings and Guidance from The Master Jesus help you release old, negative patterns and assist you in your awakening. Jesus’ main message, channeled through Erin Michelle Galito, is one of forgiveness, kindness, peace of mind, lightening up, love, and unity.
To join the channeling sessions live online and for more information, send Erin a message at [email protected] for more details.

Master Jesus Speaks
A Q&A session with Jesus, channeled by Erin Michelle, held on the 1st Saturday of each month. Sessions begin at 1 pm US Eastern Time (ET) and run about an hour. Deadline for submitting questions is 6 pm US ET on the Friday before the session.
A link to the YouTube video is provided within a few days of the session to those who have donated.
Donation: $20 USD Must be received by 6 pm US Eastern Time (ET) on the Friday before the session.

ACIM With Jesus
A Course in Miracles (ACIM) group that meets on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Saturdays of each month. Volunteers read from the Text, with Jesus taking questions and adding enlightening commentary on A Course in Miracles (ACIM) through the channel, Erin Michelle. Sessions begin at 1 pm US Eastern Time (ET) and run about an hour.
A link to the private YouTube video is provided within a few days of the session to those who have donated.
Donation: Love donation of your choice. Must be received by 6 pm US Eastern Time (ET) on the Friday before the session.